Sunday, January 22, 2012

Butterscotch sauce

One of my favourite flavours for bread is butterscotch.


Maybe because it was first introduced to me by my beloved aunts?

Or maybe because of the word association, since Scotland, UK, was the first Western country (?) I ever visited? (The fact that butterscotch has nothing to do with the Scots notwithstanding.)

Or maybe because through baking, I have been introduced to the wonders and magic that butter can do? (The fact that butter does further damage to my already thunderous thighs notwithstanding.)

Whatever it is, butterscotch is so, so, good.

I was aghast to find that butterscotch chips were so pricey at the Hershey’s store and had to ruefully put the bag down. I didn't know that 'artificially flavoured' and 'pricey' goes together.

So I did a happy dance when I saw that Shuna is advocating that people make their own butterscotch and shared her butterscotch sauce recipe. So did Smitten Kitchen. Particularly because I happen to have all the ingredients needed.

Butterscotch Sauce

4 tbs unsalted butter
1 cup of tightly packed dark brown sugar
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream (not ultra-pasteurized)
1 tbs vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
  1. Melt butter in a saucepan (medium heavy-bottomed recommended) over medium heat.
  2. Stir the sugar in to the pan. Stir infrequently and watch as the mixture turns from looking grainy into a smoother texture.
  3. After about 5 minutes, add in all the cream.
  4. Lower the heat, and whisk the cream into the mixture.
  5. When well-mixed, turn the heat back to medium and whisk every few minutes for about 10 minutes.
  6. When the liquid has been boiling for 10 minutes, turn the heat off and let the sauce sit.
  7. After the sauce had 1-2 minutes to cool down, transfer it to a heat-proof bowl and let it rest until it reaches room temperature.
  8. Supposedly you are to add in salt and vanilla extract to taste in increments, whisking well after each addition but I poured in all at the same time. Why? Because I don't trust myself to taste when to stop, because life is easier like that and because I'm a rebel that way.
What do you know? Rebel Butterscotch turned out fantastically!

I poured the sauce on top of my multigrain bread and I went straight to Land of Bliss. You can pour it on ice cream or cakes, if you like. And if you are me, you will also be pouring it unadulterated straight down your throat, which works just as well.

What would The Failed Chef do next time?
  • I thought about making butterscotch chips so I can make butterscotch something-or-other so I added white chocolate to the sauce. Perhaps I didn’t add enough white chocolate, so the sauce never turned into candy that I could break into chunks.
  • While I read that the sauce can be reheated in a microwave or small saucepan, when I did that, the butter separated. Perhaps because of the white chocolate?

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